Ziua Crucii, anul 2014/ Holy Cross Day, 2014

Am avut onoarea de a participa si anul asta la Targul de Ziua Crucii, de la MNTR.
Asa ca am iesit la plimbare cu Maica Domnului, Hristos, Sf. Maria Egipteanca, Sfintii Evanghelisti, si cati altii. In targ, puzderie de sfinti si de oameni, vanzatori si targoveti, tineri si batrani, copii, pisici, catei...chiar si o bibilica, ce striga cat o tinea gatul "pacat,pacat,pacat,pacat!". Hai sa v-arat cateva poze!

Once again I had the honor of attending the Holy Cross Day Fair, from The National Peasant Museum. So, I took some of the saints for a walk. At the fair there were saints and people, sellers and buyers, young and old, children, cats, dogs... and even a pearl hen! Let me show you some pictures!

Targul- privire de ansamblu/ The fair- big picture

Combinatie interesanta/ Interesting combination

Biserica si orasul/ Church and the city

Masa Raiului si Cei patru Evanghelisti/Heaven's Feast and The four Evangelists

Is.Hs.Ni.Ka/ Jesus Christ

Maica Domnului cu Pruncul si Sfinti/ Holy Mother of God with Baby Jesus and Saints

Detaliu la icoana de mai sus/ Detail from the above

Sfanta Maria Egipteanca/ Saint Mary the Egiptian

Povestea Sintei Maria Egipteanca/ St. Mary the Egiptian's story

Masa cu icoane, la targ/ Icons on the table, at the fair


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