Si-au trait fericiti pana la adanci batraneti/ And they lived happily ever after!

Astazi este ziua mare!
Mirele, si tu, mireasa,
  Ati intrat acum in casa, 
 La multi ani, viata frumoasa! 

Today is the big day, 
The bride and the groom
Enter their home, 
May you live long and happy!

Cadouri de nunta/ Wedding gifts:

Oglinda cu rama de lemn, pictata, 30x30 cm, "Praslea cel voinic si merele de aur"/ Painted wooden frame with mirror, 30x30cm, "Prince Charming and the golden apples"

Insotind oglinda, o felicitare facuta de mana/ Along with the mirror, a hand-made wedding card

Detaliu: "Mirele si Mireasa"/ Detail: "The Bride and the Groom" 

Poza veche din colectia Costica Acsinte/ Vintage photo from the Costica Acsinte collection


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