Dragobetele/ Lover's day

"Frunza verde, salcioara,
Ah! Lelita Marioara,
Ochii tai ma baga-n boala,
Sprincenele ma omoara.
Ochii si sprincenele
Fac toate pacatele
Si leaga dragostile.
De n-ar fi ochi si sprincene
N-ar mai fi pacate grele,
Nici dragoste tinerele."

 Dragobete is considered to be the equivalent of Saint Valentine`s Day (Valentine`s Day). This day also bears the name of Cap de primavară (Beginning of Spring), Santion de primavara (Saint John of the Spring), Ioan Dragobete (John the Dragobete) or Logodnicul Pasarilor (Fiancé of Birds). 

Green leaf, silver berry,
Ah! Dear girl Mary,
Your eyes torment me,
Your eyebrows bewitched me.
Eyes and eyebrows
Are the beginning of temptation
And the magic of love.
If there wasn't for your eyes,
There wouldn't be sin,
Nor young love.


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