
Se afișează postări din 2017

Ziua Romaniei/ Romania's birthday

Sfarsit de capitol

Mamaia Batrana II/ Great Grandmother- 2nd part

Imparateasa fiarelor/ Empress of the beasts

What else is there?


Povestea Obligenei/ The legend of Sweet Flag

Tinerete fara batranete si viata fara de moarte/ Youth without age and life without death

Povestea Rostopascai/ The legend of Celandine

Povestea Busuiocului/ The legend of Basil

Povestea Mentei/ The story of Peppermint

Povestea Musetelului/ The story of Chamomile

Povestea Cicorii/ The story of Chicory

Povestea Salviei/ The story of Sage

Legendele plantelor de leac/ Legends of the healing herbs

Hristos a inviat!/ Christ has resurrected!

Vinerea Mare/ The Holy Friday

Ingerei/ Angels

Sareri Hovin Mernem

Trentemoller- "Moan"

Afara e intuneric/ It's dark outside

Dragobetele/ Lover's day

In taverna din port / The tavern in the harbour

Calugarul din vechiul schit/ The monk from the old convent

Mica- Fărâmica/ Little Poor Girl

Iarna&Wither/ Winter&Wither

Politica/ Politics

Bătrâna/ The elder one

Sa avem inima sincera!/ Be true to your heart!

Au fost odata.../ Once upon a time...

Intoarcerea cailor magici /The return of the magic horses

Cuculetu/ Little cuckoo bird

Nuferii de India/ Indian water lillies

De dragoste si de suparare/ Of love and sorrow