Povestea Musetelului/ The story of Chamomile

Musetel era fiul unei vadane. Si erau saraci, dar avand sufletele bune isi duceau zilele cu voie buna si speranta. Intr-o zi, batrana vaduva s-a imbolnavit, iar Musetel a plecat sa caute vreo planta de leac care sa-i vindece mama. Mergand el, a ajuns intr-o vale plina de flori si a inceput sa le culeaga plangand. Zana Florilor l-a auzit si l-a intrebat de ce plange. Musetel i-a povestit despre mama lui, iar Zana i-a promis ca o va face bine, cu conditia ca el sa fie transformat intr-o floare. Astfel, Musetel a ajuns floarea care ne curata de multe boli si suferinte.


Chamomile was the son of a widow. They were poor, but they were living in peace, for they had good hearts. One day, the old widow fell sick and Chamomile left his home to go find healing herbs for his mother. He went into a valley full of flowers and he started picking them, while crying. The Flower Fairy heard his cries and told him that she can save his mother, but she'll have to transform him into a flower. Chamomile accepted the deal and now we have this delicate flower which helps us with many sufferings.


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