Sfantul Sisoe cel Mare/ Saint Sisoes the Great

 Sfantul Sisoe in fata criptei lui Alexandru cel Mare.
"Iata! Privindu-te, morminte, ma tem de judecata Domnului si ma tanguiesc, caci aceasta este soarta tuturora! Vai, moarte, cine poate sa fuga de tine?
 Icoana cu rama de lemn, 13x18cm.

Saint Sisoes the Great before the tomb of Alexander, the King of the Greeks.
"The mere sight of you, tomb, dismays me and causes my heart to shed tears, as I contemplate the debt we, all men, owe. How can I possibly stand it? Oh, death! Who can evade you?"
 Icon with wooden frame, 13x18cm.


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