Legenda Turturicii/ The legend of Lady Turtle Dove

A fost odata o frumoasa craiasa, care umbla cu infatisarea de turturica. Si-un fecior de imparat a vrut sa vaneze turturica, dar a lovit-o doar in aripa. Cand a vazut ca pasarea era o frumoasa fecioara, s-a indragostit pe loc, dar aceasta a disparut in zare. Printul a plecat in cautarea fetei, a gasit-o si s-au iubit impreuna pana la adanci batraneti!


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful turtle dove fairy. And a prince went hunting her, fortunately hitting just her wing. When he saw that she actually was a beautiful maiden, he fell in love! But the fairy ran away... so he went searching for her, finally found her, and they loved each other for ever!

Detalii dintr-o cutie pictata/ Details from a painted wood box


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