Zana Florilor/ The Flower Fairy

Zilele astea am luat niste tufanele din piata, si am stat si m-am uitat la ele. Si uitandu-ma eu la ele, vazandu-le colorate asa, m-am gandit ca-s ultima pata de culoare din natura, pana la primavara! Dar mai e asa mult pana la primavara, asa ca am facut un tablou colorat ca florile, inchinat zanei lor. Poate c-o sa se induplece zana, si o sa vina primavara mai repede!


One of these days, I bought a bouquet of  chrysanthemum and analyzed it thoroughly. And I thought to myself that these flowers are the last drop of natural color until next spring! And spring is so far away, so I painted a colorful piece, dedicated to the Flower Fairy. Maybe she'll like it and bring spring quicker!

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